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Easily reach a medical provider by phone, app or webcam

In today's environment it is crucial to have remote access to doctors and medical providers. Also available for members enrolled in Manage My Health  is our telehealth solution, MeMD.  Enrolled members will have 24/7 access to care for common illnesses and injuries from the comfort of your home, right over the phone. Highly qualified, board-certified providers can diagnose and prescribe medications for coughs, colds, allergies, infections, as well as other minor injuries over the phone.

Timely Appointments

Scheduling an unplanned doctor's appointment can be challenging for many reasons. Coordinating your schedule along with the doctor's availability can result in an appointment weeks out when you need to be seen sooner. Telehealth solves these problems.

Easy-to-Use Apps

While you may be hesitant due to a belief that telehealth visits require complicated technology that is hard to access, the reality is that you can often access your appointment via a single click on a link that is distributed directly to you via email or text.


With the ability to complete telehealth visits at home, you will not need to deal with traveling to an office, parking, waiting and returning home. If your ailment is something that limits your mobility, it will not be a factor during your remote visit.